Friday, May 23, 2008

Almost Home

Thanks for the comments! I'm really having fun with my blog! I look forward to making new friends and exploring other blogs.

So, I am almost done with my job here in I Falls....tonight and tomorrow night and then I should be able to hit the road and get home. We will only work an eight hour shift (hopefully) tomorrow night - that means I'll be off at 3 a.m. and will go back to the HI and sleep for awhile and plan on being on the road by noon.

The night superintendent asked me what I thought of going from bank VP to a construction trailer. I told him I think everyone should do it. He said the boilermakers say, "It's not just a job, it's an adventure" and that is the truth. This has certainly been the biggest adventure of my life. I have never stepped so far outside of my comfort zone, nor could I have imagined how much fun it would be and how many really interesting people I would meet! I swear, I have a new story to tell every day and I usually laugh to myself all the way home each day. What a crew!

My most recent story comes from my fellow night shift female:
She told me about the time she and her ex-husband had gone out for a night on the town. When they got home he apparently fell asleep (read: passed out) on the sofa. She was in the bedroom yelling for him to come to bed and he wouldn't get up. Soooooo, she took the .357 Magnum from the bedside table (spoken as if we all sleep with a loaded .357 next to the bed) and blew a whole (which she later patched with a cigarette butt) right through the trailer wall to get his attention. She proceeded to relay how she accidentally broke his nose that night, too (that was the first of four times she broke his nose, and the only time it was accidental.) I forget where the broken nose part of the story came in.....I guess I was laughing so hard about the gun shot through the trailer wall that I wasn't paying close attention! How can you not help but have fun here?! Too funny.

Oh - here's another funny thing: Remember the 60 year old guy I wrote about who mooned people on the road last summer? Well, he came in to the office yesterday morning and sat down to chat. I looked at his jeans and saw that he had cut them off at the hems. Apparently he decided they were too long, so he took a scissor, cut them off and put them on. That must have put him a little out of his routine because he forgot to put his belt on. He left and came back a few minutes later with a big yellow rope, complete with duct tape on the ends to prevent fraying, tied around his waist Jethro style. When I asked him what that was all about, he said he has no ass to keep his pants up - not like the rest of these "fat fxxxs around here." Those are his words - not mine! What a character this man is. He really has a heart of gold, though. He makes sure that he gives me a ride to the front gate every morning and calls me "young lady." I had Cheryl take a picture of us the other day so I can show everyone at home who this guy is that I'll be telling stories about for the rest of my life (truly!) I think I kind of embarrassed him by wanting a picture, he seemed a little weird about that. I suppose he thought I was hitting on him! Heehee. Today when he came in he looked at me and said I had a rash above my eye. I said, "No, Billy - that's just a big zit." I don't think he knew what a zit was so I explained: pimple. See what I mean about the stories? They just keep on a-comin'!

Thanks again for the comments and the welcome to the blog world!



gram said...

well partner, this will be the last post from the land of oz. we'll be clicking our heals together for the next day and truly saying "there's no place like home, there's no place like home", i'm glad you got to experience our way of life, it is truly a different way to live. i've been doing it for almost 20 years now. wow, that's a long time when you think of it. i have to tell you tho, of all the places i've been and with all the country i have seen and with all the good friends and foe i have met. when it's over, there is truly and i mean this straight from my heart....."there is and never will be no place like home" thanks for all the help, the laughs and for being such a fun person to be around, you made this job alot of fun and i really enjoyed working with you. i hope you find a job that you like real soon, hell who knows you may take this ride with us again someday. it would be a pleasure to have you on board!!

jenny said...

i'm glad that job is coming to an end so you guys can get home to your families! i sure know i am missing my mom! :)

keep bloggin'! :)

Lori said...

I am glad that you will be home to your family soon. I think your experiences at a job so different from what your used to are ones you will never forget and also will learn from. It sounds like you met some great people...especially Cheryl...sounds like you had a lot of good conversations, lots of laughter...makes getting through being away from loved ones and home a little more bearable!

Have a safe trip home...when you get a chance you will have to stop over at my new's at

I too am loving my new blog!

Have a happy day!

Mel said...

What a hilarious story about that old guy. Sounds like a great job and awesome people you work with!!!

gram said...

where are you my friend??